National President
Collette Bishop
Department Visit Schedule
April 8th, 2017
Arrives United Airlines #1280 7:54pm
(Everyone is Welcome to come and greet her and her husband Dave at the airport)
April 9th
10am to 2pm – Meet N Greet Brunch hosted by Auxiliary 1685
(She has asked to rest the rest of the day)
April 10th
Weather permitting
10am – Wild Life Conservation ($15 per person)
1pm – Tour of the Domiciliary
5:30 – 6:30pm Meet N Greet Hosted by 10252 will have a brief visit with the Purple Hearts Chapter 0593
7:00pm – Meet N Greet Hosted by 9785
April 11th
11am – Visit the Veterans Memorial (Park Strip)
1pm – Visit the Fisher House
2pm – Visit the ASYMCA
6pm – Fire Tap on O’Malley Dinner
7pm – Meet N Greet Hosted by 1685 with appetizers